How should toenails be cut?- Cut straight across to avoid ingrown toenails (trimming regularly)
When should you shop for shoes?
- Shop for shoes in the afternoon, your feet swell as the day goes on, so shop when they are the largest.
Be aware that communal changing areas are where you pick up athletes’ foot and warts
How do you know if shoes fit properly?
- Be aware of any redness and soreness of toes, inspect your feet daily.
What are bunions?
- A bony enlargement at the base of the big toe. Bunions are caused by a shift in the big toe joint because of abnormal structural forces and tendon imbalances affecting the feet. Overtime this great toe joint may become non-functional. Pain, swelling and redness may occur. Lesser toes may also be involved. Improper shoes aggravate the condition. Wider shoes may help but surgery may be required.
What are corns and callouses?
- These can be hard or calloused skin that can occur at the bend of the toes or on the bottom of the feet. These can occur due to underlying bony deformity and improper foot mechanics. Hammertoes are a contributing factor.
What is athlete’s foot?
- It is a skin infection that likes damp feet and toes. This is an itching skin rash that may need topical or even oral medication. Proper foot hygiene is important.
What does a fungal nail infection look like?
- Toenails may become thick, yellow brown, or even discolored. They may be painful, ingrown and disfigured. Treatment is recommended to avoid progression and increasing of pain. Oral, topical and laser treatments are available (please call our office to see which treatment is best suited for your condition).